Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thoughts on Philippians 4:7

Before reading, please keep in mind that I am in now way suggesting that I have the education or expertise of the topic at hand. I could certainly be misguided in some areas, but then again, I am only 23 years young...

Philippians 4:7
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
When looking at this verse in plain sight, it sounds pretty cool. Something that “surpasses all knowledge” and something that can “guard” seems pretty powerful. But when you really start to sit and meditate on this short verse, begin to unpack its deeper meanings, your mind moves to wander about how Great and Powerful God really is. 
First of all, lets look at the phrase “peace of God.” 
The word of represents more than what many of us might think. Let us not confuse “of” with “from” because while “from” could mean something that God gives us (which, make no mistake, is always a good thing), the word “of” depicts that this peace has the qualities of the subject, that is, God Himself. So instead of God giving us a gift, like the ability to run fast or the gift of leadership, Paul shows us here that God is actually willing to give something OF Himself to us; His peace. He is after all, as many have been known to call Him, the Prince of Peace. God is many things, and one of them is peace itself. When we feel “at peace” or truly calmed and at rest, it is not a gift that is separate from God, it is the very presence of God Himself comforting, directing, and strengthening us.
“surpasses all understanding.” 
The description of this phrase is not complete if all we say is that the peace of God “goes further” than all understanding. So furthermore, we must emphasize the importance of the fact that surpassing can, and certainly in this case, also mean to transcend something. In theology, to transcend means “to be above and independent of something (time, the universe, etc.). Thus, the peace of God is not only greater than all understanding, it is completely superior, independent, and totally set apart from any and all human understanding. This set-apartness is also known as HOLINESS.
One more thing with this phrase. The word understanding should not be completely comparable with the word “knowledge.” Knowledge is simply knowing information, while understanding has more pro-active thinking involved. I think it is safe to say that understanding could be comparable to wisdom. So the peace of God does not only transcend all knowledge, it transcends all wisdom and understanding. It is inexplicable, unfathomable, and more still unstoppable

“will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 
This peace that is of God Himself and more powerful than (and not even on the same spectrum as) any human wisdom is also our Protection. So many passages of Scripture describe God as a “refuge” or a “fortress,” a safe-haven, if you will. What Paul is describing here is a protection of our hearts and minds from the powers of darkness that are constantly vying for our affection and worship. This peace helps us understand, it helps us make wise decisions, and it also combats Satan’s everyday attempts to thwart our faith. The only way this is possible, as Paul describes in different places in Philippians 4, is by having a relationship with Jesus Christ and setting our thoughts and wishes on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable. This is what is meant by “in Christ Jesus.” God made a way for us to be IN Christ by sending His begotten Son (another concept of “of”) who was willingly and obediently crucified for the sins of humanity.

When we are active in this relationship and living out our faith, we can begin to be wielded and guided by the peace of God.

1 comment:

  1. noticing the "of" God is a good observation. In fact, in the original language there is no preposition denoting "of", rather "of" comes from the genitive case of God, thus giving it a possessive aspect. Well done. The word for surpassing here denotes simply that his peace is greater than all understanding. well done again. your thoughts that understanding goes beyond mere information because this word translated here as understanding implies the mind and thinking, thus giving it more than mere info.

    just some random thoughts. figured you would like them. haha.

