Friday, November 25, 2011

My Essential Christmas Collection (Part 1)

I hope everyone's Thanksgivings were filled with love and tryptophan, but now that the Turkey day festivities are over, it is time to FINALLY transition into the season of Christmas music. Yes, I waited to write this blog for you November lovers. I gave the Bird his fair share of the holidays, but now it is CHRISTMAS TIME! And no other holiday brings out so many traditional tunes, formally known as "Christmas Carols."

Over the years, I have developed some of my favorites of these, and I have decided to put them into a TOP 20 "Essential Christmas Collection." Keep in mind these are just MY favorites, and I understand that I could have left some of your favorites out. Please feel free to comment and share your favorites too!

Anyway, this project has literally taken me HOURS to complete, so I do hope you enjoy reading. As this is a top 20, I have decided to split the list up with ten songs on this blog, then ten more later on. So here it is, Conner's Essential Christmas Collection! Have fun, and as always, Merry Christmas!

NOTE: These are in no order of specific rank, however they are listed in the order of which I would put them on an album.

Drumroll please...

1. Carol of the Bells - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Just to get the holiday adrenaline juices flowing, there probably isn't a piece of music that pumps me up more for the Christmas season than this epic installment. It starts out with a string arrangement to the melody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" then...BAM. Drums. Bells. Electric guitar. Seriously, it's like Christmas going into battle. This blood pulsing and heart pounding instrumental can often be heard on the NFL broadcasts on or near Christmas day. Heck, if I played linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys, what better way to amp up to get someone else's bell rung?

2. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town - Bruce Springsteen
Two words: THE. BOSS. First of all, my cousin Jeff would be proud that Bruce made the list, and rightfully so. Springsteen is arguably one of, if not THE best artist we mortals have ever seen (right, Jeff?). He takes an old-time classic and puts his own Rock N' Roll twist to it. Its catchy, up-beat, and quite simply, Bruce has a blast performing it. Finally, it would behoove me to mention that the late (and great) Clarence Clemons absolutely KILLS his saxophone solo. Jazzy, swingin', and a definite track to play at any Christmas party.

3. Jingle Bell Rock - Bobby Helms
No, this song was NOT made famous by the movie "Mean Girls" (to all the sorority girls' chagrin). This was a classic before you (and I) were even born. From generation to generation, this song has made it into countless shows and movies, and it is a perfect carol for two steppin'. Right Mom?

4. Run Rudolph Run - Chuck Berry
If one of the most legendary Rock N' Roll artists writes a song even remotely about Christmas, why is it not on your list too? Yes, Chuck Berry (and please don't confuse his name with that average-at-best band from this era) is immortal in the eyes of Rock N' Roll enthusiasts, and his unique and distinct style and voice ring true in this song. I challenge you all to try to refrain from bobbin' your head back and forth to this song while driving down the highway.

5. The Chipmunk Song - David Seville & The Chipmunks
I know some out there are laughing at this thinking, "Ha! That's a funny joke to put in his blog." And to that I say, "Nay, this is no joke." Yeah, I guess it could be considered a funny song, but it is certainly not a joke to be putting this on my list. While its popularity is undeniable, the seemingly natural blend of these furry rodents' voices is almost angelic. Their flawless tone and their ability to stay perfectly on key on the recording almost makes it seem like these can't even be REAL voices. But of course we all know how ridiculous of an assumption that would be... "I still want a hula-hoop..."

6. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee
Seriously, how many of you have NOT heard this song? Exactly. Ironically, while most of us are definitely familiar with this song, we have never heard of its artist. Brenda Lee is a superstar, being a member of both the Rock N' Roll AND Country Music Hall of Fame. A more classy and sophisticated tune, this Christmas carol would best be suited for a neighborhood party or gala. On top of all of that, how can you not love a woman with the nickname "Little Miss Dynamite?"

7. White Christmas - Bing Crosby
I really trust that this selection needs no explanation. Crosby's version was first played over the airways in 1941, and if we can still hear it broadcasting on our smart phone apps today, 70 years later, that's enough reason as it is to put it on the list. Why do we wish for snow on Christmas? It's probably because of this song's inspiration!

8. Baby It's Cold Outside - Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors
Yes, some of you know I'm getting a little more modern with this choice, but I wholeheartedly believe this song belongs on this list. Drew and his wife, Ellie, deliver this timeless duet with a flirty and savvy swagger. With Drew's vocal impressions of the 40s genre and Ellie's raspy tone, this duo's cover rivals those timeless carols of old. Not to mention, the two are just stinkin' cute together (one must see the youtube video to fully understand: Cozy up next to someone special when you punch this one into the iHome.

9. The 12 Days of Christmas - John Denver and The Muppets
An absolute classic. One of the world's most beloved artists, John Denver, meets the infamous Muppet crew. The different voices of the Muppets are just funny to me. If you can't smile while listening to this song, you could very well be a grinch. "Fiiiiiiive goooooooolld riiiiiiiiinggggssssss!!!!!"

10. Silver Bells - Elvis Presley
What Christmas album is complete without The King of Rock? (easy Michael fans, I said "Rock" not "Pop") If you say, "Why Conner, NO Christmas album is complete without Elvis," you would be correct. "Silver Bells" is a song about the anticipation of Christmas Day finally approaching. The excitement, the buzz, and the warm spirit of giving is alive in our cities and towns. What better way to describe it, or better yet sing it, than by doing so with one of the best and most recognizable voices of all time? Elvis, you are truly missed!

Welp, that's it for the first half of the list. You crazy kids stay tuned next time for the second...

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