Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Last night I shared a few of these thoughts with the students of our youth group. Blogged it to share with others...

Everyone wants to be a part of something great. And yes, I know when using the word “everyone” some might think this to be one of those all-encompassing statements (which most of the time I am annoyed with myself). I get it, but I think this is a safe usage.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the Bible says God “has put eternity into man’s heart” (3:11). There are many possible applications for this verse, but I think the true meaning it alludes to is the fact that every single person has some sort of sense that life continues beyond what is seen or known in this present existence. If all of us are completely honest with ourselves, we would say that we want to be a part of something bigger than us.

So, if you want to deceive yourself into not believing that, this blog is probably not for you (but thanks for reading anyway). For those who say, “Yeah, that’s me,” stay with me for a minute...

No matter who you are, this applies to you. If you are a guy, most likely a war movie or an epic battle scene will rev you up and cause you to want go out and just be manly. It triggers testosterone and ignites a passion for greatness, and makes you want to do something like this.

If you are a girl, something a little different probably sparks your interests: a beautiful love story. Ladies, we all know that most of you dream and fantasize about having a story in the likes of Noah and Ally, like Landon and Jamie, Edward and get it. You want "the best kind of love."

We want to be a part of a great story. The truth is, though, the greatest, biggest, and most epic story imaginable is going on right now. It’s happening in the very world in which each of us lives. Around us, amongst us. Yet most are hardly aware or even familiar with its existence. It’s the story of God, and its been playing out since the beginning of time. For the masculine, its an epic battle against the powers of darkness and the Kingdom of light (Ephesians 6:12), and nothing is more valiant and honorable. For the feminine, its a romance that puts all others to shame, and nothing is more poetic and heart-heartwarming (John 15:13).

We are at war, and we are in it because of love. Because of his great love for us, the God of all creation, the Almighty God who spoke this universe into existence, sent his only Son to die for us. There was nothing about this Son that made him deserving to die on a Roman cross, but it was God’s reckless and scandalous love that sent him there. From that moment, we have been at war, and there is much more at stake than mere matters of life and death.

The reality of all of this is that you are living in this story whether you realize it or not, or whether you like it or not. The choice you have to make, the question you must answer, is what part of this story will you play? What role are you going to fill? Will you join the cause of the Hero in this drama, or will you sit back indifferent, lost in the mix.

God doesn’t want that. He wants you to join his cause. He wants you to “buckle your chinstrap” and get in the game. He wants you to experience and share in the love that has changed the outlook of eternity forever (redundant? I know). Yes, the Gospel of Jesus Christ sets you free from something (slavery in sin), but it also sets you free to something, and that is to act, to fulfill your assignments and duties.

So if you are ready, if you want to be a part of the greatest story ever told, don’t wait. There is too much at stake to waste one more day. This is your time...